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A Matcha Made In Heaven!

If you’re anything like me, then your day can’t even start without your morning cup of coffee.

Alternatively, others start their day by chugging a Red Bull or Monster (which is a total chemical catastrophe for your body).

Once you’re used to jump-starting your mornings with caffeine, it’s nearly impossible to go without – lest you become Godzilla and offend every person within a three-foot radius of you.

If you’re looking to switch things up, give a Matcha latte a shot the next time you’re in need of a pick-me-up! Matcha is a more natural and healthier source of caffeine. It’s more commonly known as Green Tea powder, and cutting the tiniest bit with water is the equivalent of about ten cups of regular green tea (talk about your compact savior). You may want to sweeten it and add milk or coconut milk to cut it, because the matcha flavor is definitely powerful and only the brave-hearted dare to drink it black (or green, in this case).

Matcha originated in Japan about 1,000 years ago

and quickly rose as a cultural staple. Today, it’s impossible to explore Tokyo without stumbling upon numerous Matcha cafes. It’s health benefits are numerous: it acts as a natural fat burner, boosts your metabolism, increases your focus, and even fights off cancer. For each cup you down, you’ll be getting a healthy serving of fiber, vitamin C, and zinc.

Many small speciality cafes already incorporate it into their menus, and it’s becoming more commercial now as businesses, like Starbucks, are beginning to include it on theirs (in this case, it may not be in its most pure form). Foodies are even getting creative with this incredibly versatile ingredient, with recipes for matcha cupcakes, smoothies, and even ice cream!

For bonefied matcha powder, look no further than Encha!

So go for it and be bold, and break up your ordinary latte routine!
It truly is a Matcha made in Heaven 


xo Natasha