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Skinny Jeans are like Relationships

We all have that coveted pair of skinny jeans in our closet & that ex that you can’t quite let go of…

At some point in our lives, we got a pair that fit perfectly, right from the start.  

They are that one go-to pair that looks so amazing, so consistently, that you have to mentally fight yourself not to wear them too much. Feel so comfortable, so fast… like asking a guy to go to your sister’s wedding, 3 weeks into dating.   As time has passed, like in all relationships, there are ebbs & flows… ups & downs… and you’ll hit a time when you pull them out and they don’t fit.  All the jumping around & sucking-in couldn’t get that damn button to close…  so we save them as motivation, knowing we would get back into them one day.  Like trying to fix that one bad quality in a man, you hold on.  Time passes and for a time you kinda forget about them… but during a seasonal closet change-over, on a throwback facebook post, you find them.  You’re feeling good about the recent gym routine, the happy place you’ve been in & the recent flu that actually ended up showing you how close you could really be…   you try again.

You never feel better about yourself than when you can fit your favorite jeans.
It’s an amazing feeling… nostalgic, satisfying, and the type if happiness where you didn’t even realize you were smiling.


xo Natasha