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Acai Bowl: The Superfood Trend You Need to be in on…

In a society that is continually more self-aware and health-conscious

Superfood trends change over more than trends in fashion (hence why you now opt for the garnish-turned-godsend, kale, in your salads).

This trend, however, is not one that’s fleeting and will most definitely become a staple in your diet: the acai bowl, made from the acai berry.

First, let’s get the pronunciation right (for fear of looking like a total newbie): ah-sah-ee. Not ah-kah-eye, or ah-sigh. It’s AH-SAH-EE, and it is a tiny berry from South America that’s extraordinarily rich with antioxidants and anthocyanins that will make your body sing. These anthocyanins help lower your cholesterol. Stamp of approval from your heart: check. The berry’s high antioxidant level also helps your skin retain its natural, healthy glow and is a primary reason that its oil has been harvested for beauty products. High in dietary fiber, it’ll keep your digestive system happy and regular. Finally, here’s something to be really excited about: studies have shown that acai increases the body’s blood circulation, which not only helps combat daily fatigue but has also been linked to a higher sex drive (save the cherries for another night).

Making an acai bowl is delightfully easy, nutritious, and so delicious that you’ll have to remind yourself that you aren’t eating ice cream or sorbet. It’s a breakfast trend that started out in California and has blossomed across the country. It’s as easy as making a quick smoothie. All you need are:

  • Frozen acai packets (pure and unsweetened, found at your local Whole Foods Market).

  • Frozen banana (for consistency and taste).

  • Frozen strawberries.

  • A splash of juice (like apple juice) or milk (like coconut or almond milk).

Blend until the fruit is smooth, but not until it’s runny. Aim for a texture that’s thicker like sorbet. Finally, add your favorite granola, coconut flakes, frozen blueberries or fresh fruit, and a drizzle of honey to top it all off. Prepare it in the morning for a delicious breakfast that’s guaranteed to start any morning on the right note…

xo Natasha