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5 Superfood’s You Never Knew About

5 Superfood’s You Never Knew About

  1. Purple Potatoes:

Purple potatoes are filled with antioxidants due to their color; these antioxidants are the same you would find in bright-colored fruit. There is evidence that shows the antioxidants in purple potatoes can help with hypertension, the immune system, and heart disease if consumed regularly.

  1. Mungbean

Mungbeans can help manage your cholesterol levels and have a good amount of vegetable protein, perfect for Vegans or someone looking to reduce the amount of meat in their diet. Research shows that mungbeans may have a connection to stopping cancer growth as well as supporting postmenopausal in women and reducing symptoms from menopause.

  1. Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is flakey and has a powdery texture, often used as a substitute for cheese it can be added to almost any dish for example; pasta, vegetables, pizza, and popcorn. Nutritional Yeast has a good source of protein, fiber, B vitamins, and is low in sodium.

  1. Maca Powder

Maca powder is one of my favorite superfoods, loaded with vitamins and minerals; it is great for a quick energy boost and helps improve the overall appearance of your skin. Research has shown that Maca powder can also help build lean muscle faster when taken regularly along with weight lifting.

  1. Chia Seeds

Many people have heard of chia seeds or have seen them at a store but do not know the amazing benefits one can get from them. Chia seeds are filled with omega- 3, fiber, and minerals. Chia seeds are known to be very good for diabetics and are easy to incorporate into your diet whether it is in oatmeal or a water bottle that could be sipped on throughout the day.


xo Natasha