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Nurse Your Sweet Tooth & Go Cuckoo for Coconut

Does your sweet tooth keep calling to you?…  

Are you the type that absolutely NEEDS something sweet after dinner?

Most girls don’t know that coconut is quite possibly the perfect sweetener for any health-conscious dessert.  It has an abundance of health benefits and is a source of good fat.  It’s high in dietary fiber – so high, in fact, that it rivals fiber sources such as oat and wheat bran.  Coconut is also processed by the body as a source of energy, rather than being stored as fat.  It’s basically the miracle fruit; Dr. Ben Joseph, the author of Natural Solutions, incorporates coconut oil into all his treatment regimens for his patients with chronic illnesses such as cancer, Crohn’s disease, and even HIV/AIDs, and has seen notable improvement.

With the numerous health benefits and the perfect amount of sweetness, coconut is your new go-to for all things guilt-free and sweet…

Here are three coconut-incorporated recipes that are sure to be hits in your household:

1. Two Ingredient Coconut Bon Bons.

It doesn’t get much easier than something that’s only two ingredients!  Depending on the chocolate you use, this is also paleo-friendly and gluten free!

 All the recipe calls for is 2 1/2 cups of unsweetened shredded coconut and 100 g of 70% dark chocolate.

• Put 1 1/2 cups of coconut into a food processor.  Pulse a few times and then allow it to process for about 5 minutes until it forms a white paste.

• Place the paste into a bowl and add the remaining cup of shredded coconut.  Mix until it’s combined.

• Cover a cutting board with parchment paper and scoop the mixture with a 1/2 tbsp.  Gently form it into a small ball.

• Place the balls into the fridge for 25-30 minutes.  Meanwhile, melt the dark chocolate and pour it into a small bowl.

• Dip each coconut ball into the chocolate and then place back on the parchment paper to refrigerate for 1-2 hours until the chocolate sets.

Pair with a warm cup of tea and honey and enjoy, guilt-free!

2. Coconut Dark Chocolate Popcorn.

This salty and sweet flavor combination will have your taste buds singing.  Immediately enhance your movie-watching experience by taking your popcorn to the next level.  

All you need is a 1/2 cup of popping corn, 3 tbsp of organic coconut oil, 1 cup of sweetened coconut flakes (note: there is a difference between coconut flakes and shredded coconut), 1/2 cup of dark chocolate (melted), and sea salt to taste.

Coconut Dark chocolate Popcorn

• Using a large stock pot, pour the coconut oil in (keeping the flame at medium-high).

• Drop a few kernels in cover the pot.  Once you hear them pop, add the remainder of the kernels, close the top, and shake until the popping ceases.

• Place the popcorn on a large baking sheet and season graciously with salt.

• Sprinkle on the coconut flakes and drizzle with melted chocolate.

• Allow it all to sit for ten minutes to let the mixture settle and harden.

Voila!  Homemade gourmet popcorn at a fraction of the cost (and calories)!

3. Chia Seed Coconut Pudding.

Chia seed pudding is the latest food trend that you need to be a part of.  High in fiber and rich in healthy fats, this pudding is guilt-free and delightful.  

This recipe calls for 2 cups of full-fat coconut milk, 1 tbs. of pure maple syrup, 1/2 tsp. of vanilla extract, 1/4 cup of chia seeds, and 1 cup of mixed berries.

Chia Seed Pupping

• Whisk the coconut milk, maple syrup, and vanilla extract together in a bowl. (Note: slowly pour the chia seeds in to avoid clump-age.)

• As the mixture settles, stir it every few minutes for about ten minutes.

• Refrigerate the mixture for at least a few hours (I would even let it sit overnight).

When you’re ready to dig in, serve it in a mason air topped with fresh berries for an artsy touch and great Instagram opportunity!


xo Natasha