Put Your Best Face Forward –6 All-Natural Face Masks

Regardless of our age, we should always try to keep on top of our skincare

and the younger you begin, the better.  

It’s been said time and again that the first part of your body to expose the trials of many years is your skin.  We’re so quick to take care of our bodies, our hair, even our eyebrows – but we seldom pay our skin its deserved and much-needed attention.  We live for our bronzed summer skin, but humidity can be a nightmare for those of us with oily skin.  In the same way, the dry saltwater can cause more problems for those of us with dry skin.  Winter air takes no prisoners, however, and is brutal on us all.  The dry winter air is hard enough on the skin without then being shocked by dry hot air from space heaters.

Your skin takes a beating year-round that you probably aren’t even truly aware of.  Dermatologists and skin-care brands know that skin repair and maintenance is essential to our preservation of youth, which is why people will practically give up their firstborn for anything that can help nourish their skin.  While there aren’t at-home remedies for all of our skincare needs, we definitely can address a number of them from the comforts of our own kitchen and bathroom.  Depending on your skin type, there’s a face mask for every need.

For Dry Skin:


  • 1 avocado

  • 2 tablespoons plain yogurt

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

This avocado-based face mask helps nourish dried-out skin and restore its natural moisture. The Yogurt and honey not only add a pleasant scent but soothe your sensitive skin, leaving it feeling soft.


Avocado for dry skin

Or try this.


  • ½ cucumber, pureed in blender

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar

  • ¼ cup milk

This cucumber mask not only helps dry skin, it is especially formulated for those of us with rough skin. The cucumber helps reduce any redness, while the texture of the brown sugar exfoliates your pores. The milk and honey add a soft finish to help with any irritation.

Skin masks for dry skin


For Oily Skin


  • 1 pureed butternut squash

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • 2 drops tea tree oil

This butternut squash mask is chock full of collagen, which helps fight acne. The tea tree oil works on a smaller scale to quash blemishes, with a finish of honey to leave your skin with a gorgeous glow.



  • ½ cooked oatmeal

  • 1 egg

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

The lemon’s high acidity fights against oil that accumulates in your skin’s pores, helping to open them up. Meanwhile, the oatmeal and egg act as soothing agents to counteract the harshness of the lemon juice.


For sensitive skin


  • 1 teaspoon honey

  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder

  • 1 tablespoon yogurt

If over-the-counter face washes irritate your skin, then this is the ideal face mask for you. Yogurt is the king of soothing face masks; all the probiotics help ease redness. The cocoa powder calms down irritation, while the honey gently tightens skin.


Papaya mask for sensitive skin


  • ½ cup mashed papaya

  • 1 whipped egg white

  • 1 teaspoon honey

Not only is this mask ideal for sensitive skin types, it can also help dull skin glow! The papaya’s enzymes act as an exfoliator, helping to gently rub away layers of dead skin cells. The honey and egg white act as binding agents, giving your skin a spa-like treatment.


xo Natasha